AXIP for Licensees

Automate your license management and royalty accounting with complete confidence.


Work Smarter Consolidate all your license and royalty accounting in one place

Make the Best Decisions Make faster, more informed decisions with instant access to information

Monitor Compliance Schedule compliance notifications, triggers, and special alerts

Integrate Seamlessly Integrates with Microsoft Office and existing systems

Forecast Accurately Built-in business intelligence tools to forecast with greater accuracy

Report with Confidence Create detailed performance and “what if” scenarios

Automate Royalty Processes Automatically calculate and track royalties

Customize Easily Customize contracts, calculations, and content to your needs

Succeed Globally Expand licensing power globally with multiple currency and language capabilities

Explore an interactive AXIP Licensees dashboard

Explore an interactive AXIP Licensee Role Center Dashboard



AXIPenables licensees to proactively manage and accurately report on all licensing activity.Built-in royalty accounting functionality includes full GL, AP and AR modules with automatic tracking and alerts.Customizable dashboards make it easy to achieve total compliance and true visibility.

Download our AXIP for Licensees datasheet to learn more.